Company Name : SAS Hôtel et Spa Le Clos Sorel
Capital 3000€
Siret : 88103467200017
VAT : FR13881034672
Brand: Les Blancs
Adress: Hameau Les Blancs, Pra Loup 1500 Les Molanès 04400 Uvernet-Fours
04 92 84 04 21

This site is the property of SAS Hotel & Spa Le Clos Sorel and is governed by French copyright and Intellectual Property law.
The website was created by developer Alexandre GIANNELLI and graphic designer Jessica BOU.
The website is hosted by the compagny NOADMIN via the hosting service Themecloud.

The photographers are :
© Raoul GETRAUD   © Claude GOURON © Bertrand BODIN © Manu MOLLE

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A cookie is a small data file that some sites write to your hard drive when you visit them. It’s not an executable program, it’s not a virus. A cookie file contains information such as user ID, as well as information about your visit to the site. A cookie cannot read information on your hard drive, nor can it read other cookie files created by other sites. The site uses cookies to obtain information about the traffic generated by the site. We are thus able to determine the use you make of the information made available to you on this site, as well as to verify the relevance of our navigation scheme with its information.
Hôtel Les Blancs does not correlate cookies with any personal information you may have provided, and does not sell this information to any third party. You can refuse cookies, or be informed when a site wants to write a cookie by setting your browser preferences.


The hotel LES BLANCS, as the controller, collects and processes personal data for the purposes of booking and customer management, for the purposes of billing and payment and to carry out its commercial activities. The data are intended for the hotel and its service providers. You have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data and you can object to the processing of your data. To exercise these rights, simply write to

For more information on the protection of personal data, we invite you to consult the legal provisions available on the website of the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés via the following link: .

In accordance with the law, you have a right of access and rectification to the personal information you have provided to us. You can therefore ask us at any time to delete this information by simple message through our contact form.

HOTEL LES BLANCS processes your data in compliance with the law

Any data collection fulfils a specific purpose that is clearly indicated to the data subject on the forms, paper or digital files as well as the legal or contractual framework that is attached to it, if applicable.

For certain treatments (especially for commercial prospecting treatments), your consent is necessary. You can receive the commercial offers of HOTEL LES BLANCS to benefit from their good deals or offers of the moment.

In accordance with the law, you have a right of access and rectification to the personal information you have provided to us. You can therefore ask us at any time to delete this information by simple message through our contact form.

HOTEL LES BLANCS retains your data only as long as it is necessary for the processing for which it was collected: 3 years.

When your personal data is no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the defined purposes and expected services, only information subject to a legal archiving obligation or information for which you have given us your consent to keep it is retained. The others are deleted.

HOTEL LES BLANCS secure your data.

The personal data we collect can be entered and processed in computer systems dedicated to reservations: ARKIANE placed under the responsibility of HOTEL LES BLANCS.

One of our concerns is to maintain the confidentiality, quality and integrity of your data. The technical means implemented are aimed at protecting your personal data and fighting against any unauthorised access or improper use.

Only authorised personnel may have access to your data and all our staff are subject to confidentiality obligations.

HOTEL LES BLANCS respects your rights

In accordance with the applicable regulations, you have different IT rights and freedoms, namely:

Right of access: you can obtain information about the processing of your personal data as well as a copy of this personal data.

Right to rectification: If you feel that your personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, you may require that this personal data be modified accordingly.

Right to erasure: you can demand the erasure of your personal data within the limits of what is permitted by regulation.

Right to limitation of processing: you can request limitation of processing of your personal data.

Right to object: you can object to the processing of your personal data, for reasons related to your particular situation. You have the absolute right to object to the processing of your personal data for commercial marketing purposes, including profiling related to such marketing.

Right to the portability of your data: when this right is applicable, you have the right to have the personal data you have provided to us returned to you or, where possible, technically, to transfer it to a third party.

Right to define guidelines for the storage, erasure or communication of your personal data, applicable after your death.

Right to withdraw your consent: If you have given your consent to the processing of your personal data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

You can exercise these rights by writing to the following address: HOTEL LES BLANCS Hameau Les Blancs, Pra Loup 1500 Les Molanès 04400 Uvernet-Fours or by contacting

HOTEL LES BLANCS will have a period of 1 (one) month to respond following receipt of your request. This period may be extended by two months, given the complexity and the number of requests that may be sent to us. In this case, we will inform you of the extension and the reasons for it.

To stop receiving one of our newsletters, you can also click on the unsubscribe link in each of them. You also have a right to complain to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (

All staff were made aware of good practices for handling personal data. The processing of this data is carried out with the greatest respect for your privacy.